Overwhelming Emotions
Fifteen year old Mordy suffered from depression and unhealthy eating patterns. Furthermore, he was unable to cope with his intense feelings of anger and overwhelming emotions. It was obvious that Mordy’s parents were themselves struggling with a deeply unhappy relationship. They found it tough to manage the challenge of raising Mordy and his two younger sisters. Although Mordy started to see a Kav L’Noar therapist, he was spiralling out of control. We recommended that Mordy be referred to a specialist eating disorders clinic and bid the family farewell.
Stepping out and back in again
Three years later, Mordy’s parents called Kav L’Noar again. They told us that they had decided to get a divorce, but hadn’t yet told their children. Meantime, they were becoming concerned about their daughter, Aliza. Aliza had always coped with the strain at home by escaping into her school work. She would spend hours poring over her books and badgering her teachers to give her extra assignments. Her parents felt that this dedication was perhaps turning into an unhealthy perfectionism and anxiety. They trusted that Kav L’Noar would know how best to step in.
Sure enough, Aliza’s parents had picked up on something real. What they hadn’t known was that Aliza wasn’t just locking herself away to study. She was also starting to self-harm. She was turning all her anger and grief over her family’s issues against her own body.
This time, the Kav L’Noar therapist got there early enough to help turn things around. She was able to teach Aliza coping techniques. Soon she was able to find opportunities to have fun with friends. A different therapist also started working with Aliza’s parents with the goal of reducing tension in the home.
Kav L’Noar continues to accompany this family on their journey forward.