Running For Families to Keep Families Running
The amazing Jerusalem Marathon race known for it’s magnificent views, and challenging hills is now behind us. Participating in the Jerusalem marathon along with thousands of Israelis and others from around the world from all backgrounds and levels of running is an extraordinary experience that Kav L’Noar is proud to be a part of. The friends and spectators who cheer and encourage the participants along the route add to the special feeling of unity for both runners and their supporters.
Highlights of this year’s marathon race:
Our team has grown to 100 runners
This year once again the Kav L’Noar Team ran together with IDF Givati soldiers. About 15 boys from 2 of our school groups along with their mentors enjoyed activities with the Sayeret *Givati Soldiers and then were able to run a short distance together. The day was extra special for the group of boys who are Olim from France and were thrilled to feel a part of the greater Israeli experience.
Meir Kaniel and our Rabbis from America enjoyed the incredible energy at the marathon as well as a fabulous Shabbat together. Click here to read more about our Rabbis Can Run campaign
Kav L’Noar believes that the foundation of people’s lives are shaped by their family life and experiences. In addition to the full, half,10K and 5K marathon runs, this year the Kav L’Noar Team also participated in the 1.7KM family run. What can be a better family experience than running together as a family in Jerusalem along with the rest of the marathon participants. Watch the best part of the marathon!
* elite reconnaisance unit
Feel the positive energy of the day- Click on the albums for more pictures of our runners, families, volunteers, chayalim and school groups with their mentors.
Several Videos of the day are currently being edited and will be available in the coming weeks.
Thank you to all of our runners, sponsors, volunteers and supporters.
Sharon, Tali and Ariela, Marathon Team Coordinators