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The Odd  One Out

Read Our Blog

My Role As A Mentor Impacts My Role As A Parent

Being a mentor impacts being a parent Nadav is a hands-on parent. He never wanted to be the sort of dad who locks himself away in an...

One More Chance

Kobi was 15, tall, strong, and often, very angry. He took offence easily, he got frustrated quickly, and he regularly flew into violent...

Being Supportive Makes a Difference

Are you on my side? Shani was extremely thin and hated the way she looked and the way that others looked at her. She was never a big...

Who do you remember from nine years ago?

Think back to all the people who were in your life nine years ago. Some, you’re still in touch with. But of those who you lost contact...

Can We Have A Conversation?

Nir didn’t like small talk. He didn’t like deep and meaningful conversation either. In fact, he just didn’t like talking to other people...

A Great Mentor Inspires

Amichai had always had a tough time. His learning difficulties placed him in a special education track at school.  His mother was frail,...

Team Kav L’Noar Jerusalem Marathon 2019

Kav L’Noar thanks all of our runners, sponsors,and volunteers who participated with our team in the 2019 Jerusalem Marathon. You are all...

A Healthy Role Model

When both parents have mental health issues there is no healthy role model for children… Shimon was the youngest child in a large family....

Empathy for the Bully

Stepping Out to Come Back In Chaya, a group mentor at Kav L’Noar was getting ready to run a group for 13 year old girls at the beginning...

When Developing Identity, No One Can Force You

Parents want to help son discover his own identity! The Klein family came to Kav L’Noar because they were concerned about their 17 year...

Relationships are a Two-Way Street

Family Relationships My name is Ziva and I’m a mentor for a twelve-year-old girl named Eliana. Eliana has a complicated family situation....

Bullying and Resilience

Shimmy was bullied in school for over a year. The bullying only got worse after his father passed away. Children began taunting him for...

Pulling to Safety- A Second Chance

Shmuel is a regular teenager living in Jerusalem with his parents, sisters and goldfish. His family decided to move to a new community...

United – Cohesive- Empathic School Group

It is common practice in Israel for teachers to take their students on an end of the year trip, as a final closing of the school year. ...

Silent in Front of Screens

Our clinical team received a call recently, regarding Sarah, a young girl who spends too much time in front of screens. This may seem...

Negative Attention

Ron, a 14 year old boy, was being asked to leave his mentoring group due to his constant disruptions, every week. He could not sit still...

Support can come in many different ways!

Rachel’s father died a few years ago, leaving her mother all alone with 4 children, no support, and no strong source of income. Rachel,...

Contact Us

Kav L’Noar Center
6 Ha-Tsvi St.

Jerusalem 9107602

Kav L’Noar Foundation

348 Brook Avenue

Passaic, New Jersey 07055

Phone Numbers


+1 (818)-293-0425

Connect with us

Registered Charity Numbers : (US) # 45-4071244  (ILS) #580425841  

© 2023 by Kav L'Noar 

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