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Dec 28, 20206 min read
Corona and beyond: What we can learn about stress from COVID-19 pandemic
Written By Mordechai Katz With the introduction of vaccines for covid-19, it seems that, hopefully, the world will no longer have to be...
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Nov 1, 20204 min read
Aliyah During The Pandemic: Ever More Challenging
How every community needs to make an extra effort to provide support for new olim.
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Jun 22, 20203 min read
Ask The Therapist: Pandemic as a Catalyst for Personal Growth
Question: I’ve had an extremely difficult time during the pandemic, and I am still struggling. However, I hear other people talking about...
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May 25, 20203 min read
Ask The Therapist: Corona Virus: Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Q:”The lockdown has left me feeling like I can’t achieve anything. How can I get my motivation back?” A: Coronavirus has hit the globe,...
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